Thursday, March 10, 2011

Zucchini + Rice cereal

This recipe is for 4~6months old baby.

Zucchini contains vitamin A & C and it's very easy to digest.
Perfect for baby's first veggie!

Need :

3~5 slices of zucchini
1T (15g) of white rice
1cup of water


1. Soak the rice in the water for 20~60min.

2. Use food blender or mill to grind the rice with 1/4 cup of water.
The rice should be grinded very fine.

3. Slice the zucchini about 0.5 cm and peel it.

4. Boli the zucchini about 3min until it is compleatly cooked.

5. Smash the zucchini through strainer. Make it smooth.

6. Pour smashed zucchini and rice into the pot with 3/4 cup of water.

7. Once it starts to boil, reduce heat, shimmer. stir it about 5-7min. 

You can put more zucchini if your baby likes it!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi! The water that you mean, is it the water you soaked the rice with or just plain water? :)